Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Shakti's Going Away Party

On May 17th Bella and the rest of the production crew threw a going away party for Shakti, as she was about to go on a 10 day retreat with a high Tibetan Lama to learn an ancient healing system from Tibet that some say is the origion of reiki. Bella never does anything by half meausures and so when Shakti arrived there were angel wings and halos for everyone. It was at the Shangria Falls, Shakti's favorite place in all SL and they got Cypress Rosewood to play,
and Tommy did his awesome fireworks, and we hung out at the PQE meditation circle that Dannon built for Shakti, Shakti said it was one of her favorite nights in SL ever. Thank you to Bella, Izzy, Tommy, Dannon and Wizzi for making it happen, and a special hug for Bella.......:-)

Shakti is soo happy with her friends.

Dancing with her sister Bella.

Play it Cypress!!

And the angels dance!

And they dance!

Izzy And Bella!

Wizzi and the angels....

Shakti's is blissed out!

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