Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Shakti's Rez Day!

On July 24th it was Shaktis turn and the SpaceJunky crew gave her one hell of a party. When she logged in that day...Egypt had been created for her including a brand new pyramid house...with her trademark crystal interior of Yes Dannon had created Egypt Park high in the sky with a beautiful dancefloor in between the 3 pyramids....if only the guy could
Then Bella, Izzy and Tommy told her that Moxy Barracuda & Cypress were going to serenade her then DJ Yoni was coming to rock on into the night after that....whew ...lots of partying to be were coming and going late into the night and Alpha Crew was out in full force for the party.....i think Shak was still opening presents the next day! .....including a custom made designer outfit Bella commissioned specially from Bare Rose.....complete with Tibetan symbols on the back, Egyptian decorations, Tommys custom wind chimes and of course Izzy took pics......look below.

I feel like Tinker

Shak's new house!

Izzy and party....


Dannon as Anubis...guarding the

Cypress set the mood.....
More Pics From Shak's Rez Day @

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