Sunday, September 13, 2009

Shakti @ Bella's Birthday!

On August 14th Izzy and the boys planned a surprise birthday party for Shakti & Bella....where else but at Australia! They were both surprised and a good time was had by all....especially when Shakti saw what Isis had made her.....a place where people could donate their kidneys to raise money to see SpaceJunky in RL....something the crew had been joking about a few days before....I think there are already 7 in the dish......look below you can count them!

Party In The Australian Outback!

Moxy Barracuda gets the party started!

Birthday Girls..

Later they went back to the beginning of the build for The Crystal City.... Dannons birthday present to Shakti

Can we say Elvis Kitty!!

Yes they ARE the kidneys!

Shakti is overcome that people would actually give kidneys to see SpaceJunky perform in RL ....even if only "virtual ones"!
Shakti checks out a beautiful birthday gift from Izzy.

Thanks ya..:-)

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