Monday, June 9, 2008

Official Opening Of Shangria!

On May 3rd we officially opened Shangria, and a great night was had, the sim was full and everyone had a great time. We had giveaways distributed throughout the sim in the form of a treasure hunt and thre were great prizes from Bare Rose, Aussie Icons, CC's Designs, Celeron Voom, Ginsberg Gallery, Smart Staging & Lighting & Inspire Design to name just a few and we thank everyone who donated something for this great night and truly helped to make it special.

Shakti came down for the opening of the show in a purple crystal merkabah (designed by Wizzi Gynoid) to the song Temple Of Love

Tommys lights were spectacular.....

Shakti meditates for world peace.......

Rockin out.....

June Dion from Bare Rose in her winning design....Light In The Void!

Etain Peregrine from Dark Eden in her winning design!

Alpha Crew rocking those silks....

Go hud?

The dancefloor is a chojung, which is a Tibetan symbol, meaning
"absolute space within a boundary of frame". It was designed by Shakti and brought to life by Dannon of Inspire Design.

Pretty lights!!!

PQE at its finest....go Nemesis!

Yes Dannon Im sorry we are taking down the property value, but its your fault,what were you thinking giving a rock band half your

More Pics From This Show @

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